Organization name
The Wild Life
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment , Science, Tech & Business
PO Box 2114St Cloud, MN 56302
A nonprofit inspiring hope of a green and just future through open access to the natural world, born out of a podcast about the natural world and how to protect it.
The Wild Life was born out of a desire to help alleviate something that, at the time, we were calling the nature accessibility gap. Initially, it was clear that this gap existed along economic and other demographic lines, exposing a stark pattern of under-representation of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities in science and nature as a result of barriers of access to natural areas, and inequitable access to resources which would make those options a real possibility.
Our main focus is on the creation of high-quality, free educational content in the form of podcasts, blog posts, strategic use of social media, and in-person hikes and naturalist programs.
However, we also have other programs either started or in the works which are also meant to address these areas of exclusion:
1. Affordability and access
2. Early Childhood Experiences
3. Cultural Factors
4. Discrimination and White Racial Frames
5. Historical Trauma and Concerns of Public Safety
Binoculars for Young Birders is a program in which any attendees to our events under 18 receive a free pair of binoculars and a birding kit, and individuals can also apply for a pair online.
We are also working to develop a program that can help to fund conference fees, field trips, and STEM professional development for college and high school students.
Organization name
The Wild Life
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment , Science, Tech & Business
PO Box 2114