2021 Give to the Max & Year-End Fundraiser!
$3,945 Raised
$22,177 raised by 178 donors
100% complete
$8,000 Goal
The Spread Sunshine Gang provides simple yet powerful events, projects and creative opportunities that make it easy for you to share your generosity in our community. Spreading sunshine, kindness, and goodness with people who need it is a gift to everyone!
We believe that:
*it feels good to do good!
*small gestures = big impact!
* kindness can change the world!
Check out our website at www.thespreadsunshinegang.org and add us on Facebook and Instagram: @thespreadsunshinegang
A $5 donation makes five sandwiches for people experiencing homelessness.
A $10 donation pays for advertising one event.
A $20-30 donation makes one Family Fun Kit.
A $50 donation pays for our ink and paper costs for one full year.
A $100 donation pays for five tie-blankets.
A $200 donation pays for fee and room cost of one Sunshine Speaker.
A $400 donation pays for the monthly salary of one part-time employee.
There is donation too low OR too high that won't help us tremendously!
Thank you for your financial donation that ensures we can continue to spread sunshine!
Organization name
The Spread Sunshine Gang
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Volunteer