Organization name
The Beautiful Mind Project
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health
417 5th Ave No.Sartell, MN 56377
Did you know 90% of people who receive mental health care report an improvement?
The Beautiful Mind Project’s mission is to change the way our community accesses and experiences their mental health care.
We do that in two ways. First, through our cost-free community programming which includes:
- Mosaic: cost-free counseling to anyone who wants it with no questions asked.
- Mother Nurture: post-partum support group for new moms to help them navigate motherhood
- Kaizen: support program for teens, tweens, and their parents designed to build communication skills and strengthen relationships creating a happier and healthier home life
The second we live our mission is through our new clinic, Mindology Mental Wellness Center. It is a modern approach to mental health care that integrates traditional talk therapy with physiological resources including yoga, meditation, massage therapy, healing touch cardio fitness, life coach, spiritual direction, and nutritional consults with a Registered Dietician. We also host art nights and a variety of speakers that creates a sense of belonging and community.
We need you to help make our communities a better place for everyone.
Organization name
The Beautiful Mind Project
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health
417 5th Ave No.