The American Anti-Vivisection Society

A nonprofit organization

12 donors

AAVS is the oldest organization in the United States dedicated to eliminating experiments on animals. Since 1883 we have been effectively an


AAVS is the oldest organization in the United States dedicated to eliminating experiments on animals. Since 1883 we have been effectively and legally fighting cruelty to animals through advocacy, education and activism. We work with students, teachers, parents, grassroots groups, the media, and members of the scientific community to end the use of animals in science and to develop alternative methods to animal use.


Animalearn is AAVS' education division and focuses on ending vivisection and dissection in the classroom from elementary through college levels. Animalearn operates The Science Bank, a dissection alternatives lending library, which provides alternatives to using animals, from basic dissection to psychology experiments. By participating in national teacher conferences, hosting workshops and in-service days and providing information to individuals who request assistance, Animalearn helps countless students, teachers, parents and other community members make their classrooms more humane. AAVS' Outreach division educates the public about animal issues through our award winning quarterly publication AV Magazine and bimonthly newsletter ActiVate For Animals, both of which are sent to all members and provide comprehensive, up-to-date information on animal experiments and alternatives. Outreach staff also speak at conferences and place advertisements to reach a large audience, exposing what occurs behind laboratory doors. The Alternatives Research and Development Foundation (ARDF) is AAVS' scientific affiliate. ARDF awards grants to scientists and educators working to develop non-animal methods and promotes alternatives through seminars and workshops as well as writing articles for various scientific publications.

Organization Data


Organization name

The American Anti-Vivisection Society

Tax id (EIN)





801 Old York Rd #204
Jenkintown, PA 19046


(215) 887-0816