Team Liam Organization

A nonprofit organization

14 donors

Helping Families Swim, Not Sink

Team Liam was founded in May 2013 to honor Liam Jenner Schumacher that lived his entire 261 days at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

 Liam's family faced financial struggles with having a critically ill child in the hospital while trying to maintain the household financial obligations and 3 other children. It was the experience that the Schumacher Family hopes no family will have to endure.

Liam passed away on April 14, 2013 and the mission was set in motion. Team Liam provides financial relief grants to families with a critically ill child because we believe no parent should have to choose to be at work rather than bedside with their critically ill child due to financial obligations.

Organization Data


Organization name

Team Liam Organization

Tax id (EIN)





732 Harrison Drive
BIG LAKE, MN 55309-0065


1763 442 7615