Sweetwater Alliance was incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) organization in 2002 by community members interested in creating a vehicle to design, fund, and construct a stormwater garden on Duluth's (MN) downtown waterfront. Our vision is to turn a brown field (polluted area) into green space that will fuse art and ecology with the goal of educating the public about the values and functions of wetlands in stormwater management. We have completed fund raising and design of three configurations of a wetlands park that will cleanse water, provide a link between downtown and the tourist district of Canal Park and that merges art and ecological restoration. The photo below is of the two/three acre design created by Patricia Johanson, Barr Engineering and Sweetwater Alliance.
Other projects have brought together artists to participate in dialogue circles focused on water issues, with a goal of creating art that educates the broader population about water concerns. Through dialogue with one another we build community and obtain a greater understanding of the problems and solutions before us.