Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development , Ideas
PO Box 582321Minneapolis, MN 55458
Since 2011, has engaged and informed the discussion of land use and transportation issues in the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota. Whether it's publishing Q&A with mayoral candidates in the Twin Cities, co-hosting forums on transportation equity, or just reading the comments of the latest anti-Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan clickbait (so you don't have to), our 100% volunteer-written content is read by more than 50,000 users per month!
In 2018, we updated our mission and core values to better reflect our readers and writers goals for the organization. We are looking forward to welcoming more new perspectives to our site in 2019 and beyond.
To foster positive connections and inclusive conversations about better places in Minnesota.
Core Values
A better place is one that is…
People-centered: transportation and public spaces should center on people rather than private vehicles
Future-oriented: the built environment should be designed for the needs of future generations, and in the context of a rapidly changing non-human world
Justice-driven: cities, towns, and streets should empower and include people of all ages, especially the vulnerable and marginalized
Delight-cultivating: places should inspire happiness and wonder in all seasons and all times of the night and day
We are 100% member-supported and volunteer-driven. This means...
Your donations make this possible and keeps us running. Our website operational costs include costs for hosting, site security, and software licenses; our long term needs include updated web design, an improved comment system, and more community events IRL.
Please support us this GTM Day, and every day!
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development , Ideas
PO Box 582321