Story Arts of Minnesota

A nonprofit organization

$783 raised by 16 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

Bloomington (MN) Center for the Arts
 Saturday, April 26, 2024

Storytelling changes lives and uplifts communities. At StoryFest, a day-long celebration of the power of story, professional and novice tellers will gather with audiences of all ages to share the wonder and insights sparked by the very old (but always fresh) practice of oral storytelling.

Think about the stories that have made a difference to you. Perhaps it was  
- your grandmother relating the true adventures of an ancestor you never met
- a teacher re-telling a classic tale of Cinderella or Anansi
- a tribal elder sharing a legend that explains why the turtle’s shell is cracked
- a ghost story whispered next to a flickering campfire
- a confession from the stranger seated next to you on the airplane, a story so wild that it might just be true.  

The stories that move us to laughter, tears, or action take many forms.  And all of us have stories to share.

At StoryFest, we offer a full day of performances, workshops, and open mics. Everyone’s invited and it’s free!  But it does cost money to produce the event and to assure that it’s welcoming to all. Your generosity will help us:

  • Continue and expand productive partnerships with organizations like the Bloomington Center for the Arts, the American School of Storytelling, and COMPAS.
  • Showcase the use of storytelling by local cultural and media organizations that amplify diverse voices and reach new audiences in the Twin Cities and beyond.
  • Assure that StoryFest is accessible to everyone—by keeping it free to attend, by hiring ASL interpreters, by providing both online and printed programs, and more.

Stories have the power to change and inspire not only the audience that hears them, but the artist who creates and is created by them. SAM values creative expression on all levels and provides opportunities for all individuals to grow and develop as artists. StoryFest is our major public event, but it's not all we do. Please visit our website – – and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to find out about our other in-person and online programs.


When you click on DONATE, you'll see some suggested amounts. Underneath is a blank line where you can specify your own amount. The minimum amount for giving via the online form is $5. Every donation, of any size, makes a difference in our ability to present a successful program at StoryFest. Thank you!


Organization Data


Organization name

Story Arts of Minnesota

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture


PO BOX 581154
MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55458-1154



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