Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School

A nonprofit organization

$53,656 raised

89% complete

$60,000 Goal

As we are in the season of Thanksgiving, I want to thank you for your generous support of our mission. We are so fortunate to be allowed to impact children’s lives each and every day. I am writing today to invite you to renew your commitment to our important work. Please let me share how your support is changing lives.

“We are not a religious family by nature, however, we gather together as a family on Sunday evenings for dinner and social time as a family. Our grandchild has been attending Saint Rose for four years and now asks us if it is okay to lead the family in prayer at our weekly dinners. We are not Catholic, but our grandchild starts each prayer making the Sign of the Cross, and we now follow his lead. Saint Rose has been the best thing for our grandchild, and he is excelling in so many ways!”

~ Grandparent of current Saint Rose student


“Our children came to Saint Rose three years ago during COVID. We found that our youngest child was happier in the smaller classroom environment and the close-knit community that is Saint Rose. Being in a kind and loving community was something we did not know that our kids needed. After the first year we decided to keep them in Catholic schools. There are too many benefits at Saint Rose that allow our children to grow in their confidence, foster a genuine loving character, and encourage a sense of responsibility for their school and the community where they live. Saint Rose is truly a magical place, and the ways they have come together to support and hold up our family has touched our lives in ways we will never forget.”                          

~ Current parent of Saint Rose student


“We are so grateful for Saint Rose! We love that our children feel safe and loved. They leave school with smiles, and wake up excited for their day at school. Attending Saint Rose has been the best decision we’ve made.”

~ Current parent of Saint Rose students


These stories are just the beginning. We see the impact our dedicated faculty has on students every day. They work tirelessly to meet the needs of our students, but we can’t do it without you. Your partnership allows us to keep adding to our legacy of stories. Our work is not done, and your gift will help us further our mission. Please prayerfully consider a gift to help us continue our important work to educate students in a faith-filled environment. With your generous support we will reach our $60,000 Annual Fund milestone and continue to be part of our families’ stories for generations to come.  



Sean Slaikeu, Principal                                                                

Want to see how your dollars are put to work? 

  1. $25 buys a new Religion book
  2. $50 funds our weekly Sunday Gospel periodicals for a year for 3 students
  3. $100 sends a staff member to CPR class 
  4. $250 purchases a new student desk
  5. $500 provides Chromebooks for 2 students
  6. $1000 finances an updated laptop for a teacher
  7. $2500 subsidizes a new interactive board 

We strive to continue to make updates throughout the building which will impact learning and student success, allow teachers to teach in the most effective manner, and create an environment that we can all be proud of and will serve students for generations to come. Your investment will make a difference and further the vision for what Saint Rose of Lima is today and will be long into the future. Thank you for your consideration, prayer, and support!

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School

Tax id (EIN)



Education Faith Children & Family


2072 Hamline Avenue N
Roseville, MN 55113


651 357 1226

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