Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters

A nonprofit organization

$19,455 raised by 104 donors

78% complete

$25,000 Goal

Your Support Is More Critical Than Ever!

As 2024 comes to a close, we look ahead to the challenges and opportunities in the fight to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW). With Americans across the country taking stock of the upcoming political landscape, we at Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters are preparing to continue our vital work defending this national treasure.

During his campaign, President-Elect Donald Trump signaled his intent to reverse the Biden Administration's historic 20-year moratorium on mining in the Rainy River Watershed. This hard-won victory—achieved through years of tireless advocacy by SFBW, partners, concerned citizens, and lawmakers—has been a critical protection for the Boundary Waters and created a landscape for us to further the conversation on permanent protections. With the future of the moratorium uncertain at best, we face increasing threats at the state and federal levels, including proposals to revive the Twin Metals mining project near Birch Lake.

For the last four years, many dangerous bills that sought to fast-track the Twin Metals project have been blocked in the Senate. But the next two to four years could look very different. Despite the mounting challenges, we cannot afford to back down. Now more than ever, we must stand together to protect our nation’s most visited Wilderness Area from legislative and administrative threats. With your support, we will continue advocating for permanent protections for the Boundary Waters. Together, we can send a clear message to our elected officials that the Boundary Waters is worth protecting for future generations to hunt, fish, and paddle in these pristine waters and forests.

SFBW's Habitat & Stewardship Initiative

This year, we’ve adopted the Pine Island Wildlife Management Area (WMA) on Lake Vermilion. This is the first project of Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters’ Stewardship and Habitat Initiative, a program that we are excited to implement in multiple spheres in and around the Boundary Waters with partnering agencies, conservation organizations, and outdoor industry leaders.

On Saturday, August 24th, the SFBW staff joined forces with Mark Kenyon of MeatEater’s Working for Wildlife Tour, the onX team, and the Tower Area DNR to work with volunteers and tackle a large chunk of the restoration work on Pine Island via one huge effort. The volunteer crew of more than 50 people carried out tasks ranging from tree planting to brushing, trail creation, and helping repair and replace the unit’s signs.

Our Background:

Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Minnesota and founded in 2015. Our mission is to protect the integrity of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness of northeastern Minnesota and its watersheds for sustainable fish and wildlife populations, now and forever, through advocacy and education. This mission is directed at the entire outdoor recreation community and, even more specifically, at hunters and anglers. We work with local and national guides, outfitters, businesses, and conservation organizations who represent hundreds of thousands of outdoor enthusiasts who know the incredible value of the Boundary Waters and share the collective belief that healthy lands and waters are essential to sustaining our outdoor traditions.


Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters

Tax id (EIN)



Environment Community


P.O. Box 743
ELY, MN 55731