Organization name
Scandia-Marine Lions Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Humanitarian Aid
PO Box 263Scandia, MN 55073
Who We Are
The Scandia-Marine Lions Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit entity within the Scandia-Marine Lions Club.
The mission of the foundation is to support and build upon the efforts of the Lions Club to benefit the communities that we serve.
The Foundation gives comfort to those in need; lends a hand to individuals needing a boost; and encourages education and leadership. Some examples include providing funding for:
- Programs and initiatives to address humanitarian needs including preserving sight, promoting health, and encouraging accessibility for those with disabilities.
- Emergency assistance for victims involved in natural disasters such as tornados, fires, and floods.
- College scholarships for high school seniors.
- Veterans organizations to help address PTSD, suicide prevention, and caregiving needs for those disabled during service.
Our Vision
In 2014, the Scandia-Marine Lions Club wanted to create a non-profit foundation that would serve current needs and build a strong base for the future in Scandia, Marine on St. Croix, and the surrounding area.
By accepting tax-deductible donations from individuals and businesses, the Scandia-Marine Lions Foundation has helped address countless needs in the community through grants and/or service.
Since its inception, the Foundation has helped support local families in need; awarded educational grants and scholarships; provided ongoing support to our veterans; and more.
Regardless of how funds are donated and designated, each one is valued and makes a significant impact!
Donors may direct where they want their tax-deductible donations to be used:
-Families in need
-Veterans Support
Requests for foundation grants are reviewed by the Foundation’s Board of Directors for approval on a monthly basis.
You Can Help
Consider doubling your dollars! Your tax-deductible donation may be able to be matched by your employer’s matching gift program. Check with the personnel office to see if your company matches contributions. Remember that many employers also match gifts from spouses, retirees, board members, and directors.
The Scandia-Marine Lions Foundation also welcomes individuals wanting to share their time by volunteering for a committee and/or helping at a fundraising event; and accepts items that can be used for silent auctions and raffles.
Planned Giving
The Foundation is organized to receive bequests as well as donations of property, stocks, and bonds from clubs, individuals, and corporations.
Anyone wishing to leave a living memorial or a legacy gift to the Foundation may contact a Board Member for the form to add the Foundation to their will.
Organization name
Scandia-Marine Lions Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Humanitarian Aid
PO Box 263