Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict

A nonprofit organization

$75,940 raised by 217 donors

100% complete

$70,000 Goal

“Never...turn away when someone needs your love” 
(Rule of St. Benedict, Chapter 4:25–26)

Baskets, a powerful symbol throughout the Scriptures, symbolize the varying social, economic and emotional needs of our brothers and sisters around the world. Some baskets are overflowing with blessings, while others remain empty. As Benedictines, we listen and respond to the needs of others, and there are empty baskets of needs everywhere which we seek to fill.

We invite you to partner with us and support our social justice ministries as we together share our baskets of blessings with those who need our love. Your contribution will be used to: 

  • Assist those who have urgent or immediate needs
  • Engage in environmental projects and other social justice projects
  • Educate and collaborate with local schools and organizations

Give to the MAX and help us reach our goal of $70,000!

Thank you to our friends and supporters who have already given more than $35,000 in incentive gifts to encourage others. We are grateful for your support! The incentive gifts are included in the overall total displayed at the top of this page.

Our Mission
We, the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minn., are a community of women who seek God in our daily lives according to the Gospel and the Rule of Benedict. Through our ministry of prayer, work and community living, we listen and respond to the needs of the Church and the world.


Below are several reflections* to open your heart to the importance of social justice ministry:


In the basket of our hands

we carry the bounty of creation

to the world’s table

where many hungers wait

for the work

of interwoven hands—




Written by Mara Faulkner, OSB

Rag-tag Harry in the 4th grade,
never spoke up till this day at SHOW AND TELL,
his excitement could not be contained.
"We're going to get a house. It's going to be a lot 
of work but we're going to get a house to live in." 

Edna with her large and toothless self
gave a large hug of gratitude to the delivery person, 
ready to accept and divide plastic spoons for the folks 
to help themselves to cold canned beans and peas
on this cold and rainy day. 

Henry takes care of any money that's left over. Some 
persons need money for special needs. Emma was grateful 
for the jacket. She put it on immediately over her threadbare 
vest and helped hand out blankets, coats because
the temperature drops low off Lake George. 

Written by Josue Behnen, OSB


99, going on 100

She asked me
          to read a letter 
          addressed to her; 
          words, perfectly
                    but too small.

She looked into the distance 
          blank eyes
          serious countenance...

until a long past mutual experience 
connected her to her friend, Dot.

It was as if her heart
          had to express the feeling 
          with a smile
                    a tear
                    (which I caught for my keeping…)

I'm so grateful to have happened by her room…
"Please come back again," she softly whispered.

I kissed her on the forehead
          and thanked her for the tears.

Written by Renée Domeier, OSB


*The reflections above are property of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict. If you wish to use one of the above reflections for your own purpose, permission must be obtained. Email to request permission.

Organization Data


Organization name

Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict

Tax id (EIN)



Faith Community

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving

LGBTQ+ Serving

LGBTQ+ Serving


104 Chapel Lane
Saint Joseph, MN 56374

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