Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Children & Family, Community, Volunteer
120 South Sixth Street Suite 2260Minneapolis, MN 55402
ServeMinnesota is an engine for change. By combining science with the people power of AmeriCorps, we deliver programming that makes a difference.
Your donations are matched by federal resources to place AmeriCorps members - trained, dedicated individuals - in positions around the state to help our communities thrive. AmeriCorps members do a variety of tasks for our communities: they support student learning, plant trees, engage the community in public health efforts, help families find housing, welcome immigrants, help people recovery from substance use disorders access resources, and weather-proof homes.
Support from federal and state funding is important to sustaining our work, but is only part of the equation. That’s where you come in. Every dollar from supporters like you unlocks federal funds to amplify the impact on our communities, sustain and grow our proven programs. Every dollar you give will be matched with $2 in federal funds.
Please consider a donation today to power positive social change in our communities through AmeriCorps!
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Children & Family, Community, Volunteer
120 South Sixth Street Suite 2260