
A nonprofit organization

262 donors

Semcac is here for the people of southeastern MN when they need help the most. We believe in helping people. People are our business.

About Semcac

Semcac serves seven counties in southeastern Minnesota, including: Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Mower, Steele and Winona. Additional, limited program services are also offered in Olmsted, Goodhue, Rice, Wabasha & Waseca counties.

Semcac has a contact office in each of the seven designated service counties to assist those who need our services.  There is also a Semcac Clinic in Winona, 9 Head Start centers and partnership sites, 40+ Senior Dining sites, and a Transportation Center in Kasson.  


Empower and advocate for people to enhance their self-sufficiency by maximizing community resources.


Thriving individuals, families and communities leading a vibrant southeast Minnesota region.

Semcac Services 

Energy & Housing

This department consists of the Energy Assistance Program, Home Energy Licensed Professionals (HELP), Housing Rehab and Development, Weatherization and the Bluff Country HRA. The wide variety of programming empowers consumers with the ability to lower heating costs and ensure that their homes are clean, safe and energy efficient. 

Head Start

The Head Start program is family-focused, comprehensive education that promotes the growth and development of zero to five-year-old children and their families. Parents and Head Start teachers work together to plan  activities that are developmentally appropriate for the students. Home-Based Educators and Center-Based Classroom sites integrate  services, including education, parent involvement, health and social services.  Together we build bright futures. 

The Jenni Wangsness Healing Hearts Fund was established in 2022, for Head Start children. Jenni’s life was cut short on November 29, 2021, by colon cancer at the age of 42. She was a beloved Semcac Head Start employee. These funds will be utilized to help young Head Start children develop emotionally healthy lives by providing financial assistance to access counseling for traumas of any kind, and by providing the resources they need to grow in all areas of their young lives. 

Family Planning - Semcac Clinic

Semcac Clinic, a family planning clinic that educates people and enables them to make informed decisions for their reproductive health.  This includes abstinence, birth control, STI testing and treatment, pregnancy information and other questions about sexual health. Cervical cancer screenings and exams are also provided on a sliding fee scale. Consumers are provided with a confidential and nonjudgmental environment to make choices about their future. Patients will not be turned away due to their insurance status. Semcac Clinic does accept health insurance and state waiver programs.

Outreach & Emergency/Crisis Services

Semcac's Outreach staff offer a personal connection between low-income families and community resources and services.  Semcac operates four food shelves in three counties. Homelessness prevention and assistance is provided with assistance paying rent or mortgages, and via a homeless shelter located in Freeborn County. Financial and budgeting education is provided by staff and clients are assisted with applications for various programs they may qualify for as well as providing referrals and resources.

Senior Services

Meals on Wheels, Senior Dining and Senior & Caregiver Advocacy programs assist seniors and provide seniors the opportunity to live happy, healthy,  social and productive lives as they age.  These programs encompass personal well being, health, support and independence of seniors. Senior nutrition programs offer meals that are healthy, nutritious and balanced. Senior Dining sites are located in 11 counties.


Rolling Hills Transit buses provide  fare-based, curb-to-curb transportation for ANYONE including seniors, preschoolers and persons with disabilities. This allows for the opportunity to be transported to work, medical appointments, school and social outings such as Senior Dining. There is also a volunteer program that provides rides via volunteer drivers;  the Volunteer Driver Program provides transportation primarily to seniors for medical and personal appointments.  

View our website for our most recent Annual Report Video Presentation

Designate Your Donation

You can Designate Your Donation to a specific program or location, by  visiting after your donation has been submitted on GiveMN. (The form is administered via SurveyMonkey but is not a survey.) 

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Education Community Humanitarian Aid

LGBTQ+ Serving

LGBTQ+ Serving


PO Box 549 204 S. Elm Street
Rushford, MN 55971



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