Saveourmonarchs Foundation

A nonprofit organization

43 donors

Save The Monarchs by Planting Milkweed.

Why Support the Save Our Monarchs Foundation?
The monarch butterfly is in trouble. Their numbers are down 90% of what they were in 1992. And the milkweed plant population, which is indispensable to the monarch, is also down 90%.

Milkweed plants are the only source of food for the monarch caterpillar. But these plants are rapidly disappearing, due to the loss of habitat stemming from land development and the widespread spraying of weed killer on the fields where they live. 

We want to promote the recovery of the monarch population now. One milkweed at a time. The Save Our Monarchs Foundation is solely dedicated to saving the monarch butterfly by planting more milkweed. 

REMEMBER: No Milkweed, No Monarchs!!

Who We Are
We are gardeners who believe that getting dirt under our fingernails and planting milkweed seeds – the monarch caterpillar's only source of sustenance – is the best way to save the endangered butterflies. 

One Milkweed at a Time...

How do we propose saving our monarch butterflies? 

It’s simple, really. We're distributing Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed) seeds to anyone who will join us in our mission. The best way to help the monarch butterfly is to rebuild their habitat and give them the food they need to survive.  

Others may educate. We plant. Please join us in helping save the monarch butterfly!

Organization Data


Organization name

Saveourmonarchs Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



6408 Indian Hills Rd
Edina, MN 55439



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