Organization name
Rum River Life Choices Center
Tax id (EIN)
Faith , Children & Family
121 2ND AVE SWMILACA, MN 56353-1105
Rum River Life Choices Center is committed to supporting women and men in unplanned & unexpected pregnancy situations.
At Life Choices Center we want to make a lasting impact on each woman and man that comes through our doors with a message of hope, healing and life. We want to inspire women and men to make good choices for their future, the future of their children and our communities. One life at a time, our trained counselors offer emotional and spiritual support, along with accurate resources and referrals. We support and assist pregnant moms and dads in making well-informed decisions in their unique pregnancy situation. Our clients receive accurate information on the option of adoption, the responsibilities of parenting and the risks of abortion. Life Choices receives no taxpayer funding nor insurance payments for any services rendered. All our services are free and confidential.
We have 2 locations- 712 S. Rum River Drive, Princeton and 121 Second St., Milaca. The Milaca location offers limited obstetrical ultrasounds by a trained nurse. Both locations have a large Resource Library with free information on: STDs, healthy relationships, healthy pregnancy, fetal development, parenting roles, questions teens have on sex, post abortion, adoption and many other topics.
Life Choices supports women and men with material resources for their child when they participate in our learning program. We also offer free: maternity clothes, a gift bag full of supplies to new moms, supplemental formula and baby food, and other items when in stock.
We have a large Referral Resource Network of Information to assist clients in getting their needs met such as: Free STD testing, Legal Aid, Social Services, Shelters, Food Shelves, Classes, Help Programs, Job Help, Churches, Community Programs; to name a few.
Our focus is to encourage each woman to love, value, protect and nurture her baby and herself. We are able to offer these services free with the generous support of many individuals, businesses and churches who feel our work is important in our community. Thank you for supporting us!
Organization name
Rum River Life Choices Center
Tax id (EIN)
Faith , Children & Family
121 2ND AVE SW