Educate, Advocate and Unite! RT Autism Awareness!
RTAAF is committed to furthering the understanding of autism in this community and enhancing the safety and well being those impacted. Here's how we help:
1. The CARES program is a 12 week education and support program for parents of children who have recently been diagnosed on the spectrum. Parents engage in a small group of three to four families with children of similar ages who have recently been diagnosed with ASD. CARES facilitators provide a safe space for sharing experiences, connect families with local resources, opportunities and providers in the community, and provide education on successfully navigating the autism diagnosis. Most importantly, CARES connects families with other families who GET IT!
2. We provide education to local organizations and individuals who want to know more about autism so that they can better serve children and adults in this community. We help organize both small and large educational events in the community. These events include town hall style forums with local legislators, educational presentations to K-12 or college and university staff and students, and symposiums that are open to the whole community.
3. We work with local law enforcement to provide resources and technology that keep people with autism and disabilities SAFE. This includes Project Lifesaver, which helps law enforcement locate lost or missing children or adults who are on the spectrum.
4. We provide financial support for other support groups, programs and enrichment opportunities that directly serve people with ASD and their families.
Your support and donations allow us to provide educational programs FREE of charge for parents, educators and non-profit organizations. It allows us to provide support to help keep vulnerable children and adults safe. It allows us to provide meals and refreshments to local support groups who need a lift. It allows us to reach out to families in need, who have nowhere else to turn, and make sure their needs are met. Without your support, none of this would be possible.