Roosevelt High School

Public School

$5,020 raised by 58 donors

63% complete

$8,000 Goal

This year we are once again calling out our friends at Andersen United Middle School to a fundraising challenge. We are seeking to raise $8,000 for our special programs like Culinary Arts and Theater, as well as supporting our staff initiatives. Please donate and spread the word!

Support the great things that are happening at Roosevelt High School!

Our Vision:

Students will leave Roosevelt High School driven to serve, equipped to lead, and determined to positively impact the world.

Our Mission:

Roosevelt High School motivates students to engage in rigorous academic experiences and ensures educational justice for all.

At Roosevelt ...

...we believe in educational justice for all:

  • We value a highly rigorous education for each student.
  • We value the abilities and determination of each student.
  • We value the cultural and linguistic background of each student.
  • We value the development of personal integrity and social responsibility.
  • We value the passion and dreams of our students.
  • We value self-reflection leading toward growth.

Roosevelt has been in the news a lot over the past few years because of the amazing work that we do!

How Roosevelt High School Principal Keeps Them Coming Back:

At Roosevelt High School, A Quiet Revolution is Taking Hold:

Mpls High School Bets on Arts to Keep Students in Class:

Spanish Heritage Program at Roosevelt High Helps Boost Latino Graduation Rates, Student Voice:


   I am Roosevelt.

Organization Data


Organization name

Roosevelt High School

NCES ID Number



Arts & Culture Education


4029 28th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55406



Social Media