Restart, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$27,554 raised by 210 donors

Since 1986 Restart has helped adults with brain injury and related disabilities rebuild and maintain independent lives.

Restart operates seven residential sites dedicated to individuals living with brain injury.  The level of care varies from site to site based on a continuum of independence.  We encourage residents to participate in purposeful activities such as the operation and maintenance of the house, working outside the home, attending school, participating in training and vocational programs, and volunteering within the community.  

Restart's Outreach IHST (Individual Home Supports) Program provides direct supportive services, consultation and advocacy for persons with various disabilities in the context of their own homes and communities.  IHST staff work with individuals to design and implement structure and supports systems that promote healthy habits and effective routines and strategies necessary for successful independent living.

Without our services, many of our clients would be in danger of entering a less independent setting and lose the support they need and deserve in order to live healthy, independent, and satisfying lives.

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   Two residents and an Outreach client tell the world about the positive impact Restart, Inc. has had on their lives.

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Organization Data


Organization name

Restart, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



Health Humanitarian Aid

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving




310 E. 38th Street Suite 209
Minneapolis, MN 55409



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