Read to Feed the Mind

A nonprofit organization

63 donors

To date, we've given away more than 25,000 books through food shelves and Toys for Tots!!!

Do you remember how special a new book is? Your donations purchase popular new books for kids who cannot afford a new book.

A Simple Act

Every time families pick up food at their food shelf, they are encouraged to also pick out a book for each child in their family.

A Dire Need

Did you know that more than 60% of homes in poverty do not have a single age-appropriate book for their children? Sadly, over 40% of those children will not complete ninth grade.  However, give them 25 books and they are likely to complete two additional years of high school. 

Profound Impacts

  • Readers complete more years of school, regardless of their parents' education. 
  • Readers are healthier throughout childhood and adulthood. 
  • Literate adults earn more money in the workforce.
  • Literate adults are more likely to raise readers. 
  • Reading numerous books instills self-discipline, patience and curiousity. These build a foundation that helps make the American dream attainable no matter what circumstances you were born into.


It takes years to become more than one's circumstances dictate; for many, this starts in childhood, curled up with the pleasure of a good book.  

Thank you for spreading the gifts of literacy to the children who most need it.

Be sure to print your receipt for your tax deduction!

Organization Data


Organization name

Read to Feed the Mind

Tax id (EIN)



PO BOX 725