Randolph Elementary School

Public School

6 donors

Help Support Randolph Elementary

Randolph Elementary School is a vibrant place. One can't help but see all the energy among the students, staff. You can see teachers interacting with students in many different ways, direct instruction, technology, many resources available at student's fingertips. You can see elementary students be able to see their older siblings throughout the day. Randolph is a K-12 building, a unique situation where kids can go to school in one place their entire school career. Randolph Elementary is a nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School and this is due to great staff, students and programs. We appreciate any donations, anything individuals would be willing to give. Please support Randolph Elementary.

Organization Data


Organization name

Randolph Elementary School

NCES ID Number



Box 38, 29110 Davisson Avenue
Randolph, MN 55065

