Organization name
Payitforward Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Faith , Children & Family , Community , Humanitarian Aid , Volunteer , Emergencies , Memorials , Sports , Wishes
64456 230TH STDEXTER, MN 55926
When our home burned to the ground I learned about human kindness - and was ultimately led by God to help people in our community who struggle. I began the organization "Pay It Forward" and never imagined that being of service to others could be so rewarding. Giving back to those in need is guided by a strong, deep Christian faith and enables all of us to "Pay It Forward" for our neighbors who need help.
As a small business owner in our community, I have witnessed what the grace and commitment to God can achieve, and have always followed his guidance.
For the last 11 years it has been an honor to have been able to aid our wonderful community in countless ways including but not limited to helping people during localized disasters, people who have found themselves homeless, people who are suffering from mental, physical and financial issues, helping people secure needed health care and equipment, helping people remain safe in their homes, providing support and locating housing for victims who are fleeing toxic relationships, who have lost a family member, who are faced with medical bills they can't pay, and who are in the throws of an addiction and want to break those bonds.
When someone in need reaches out to Pay It Forward the efforts to try and help them begins. We utilize local businesses asking for donations of money, goods and services. We ask for volunteers who put in many hours of hard work. We hold sales and auctions of donated goods and services from individuals and businesses. We even have fund raising challenges for who can eat the hottest chili pepper! Every penny of funding we receive is used for specific individual needs. Not one cent is used for general operations, overhead, salaries or expenses.
Pay It Forward treasures and wants to maintain a strong, vital community based on the family values that our country has blessed us with.
And with your financial support I know we can build a better community together.
Thank you very much for considering a donation to Pay It Forward LLC a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization. And God bless you and the work you are doing.
Pay It Forward is a collaborative effort that involves Mower County businesses & individuals to help brighten, enlighten & rejuvenate hope of families in need.
For the large bathroom remodel, a family or person is chosen based on emotional & physical need after an essay & photo submission. The Pay It Forward crew has a chosen week and the project starts Monday and is completed by that Friday. The bathroom is completely redone & updated thanks to the fabulous contractors & volunteers that make this possible.
For the smaller projects we do throughout the year – we just help with whatever we can! Those needs range from lawn care to household repairs, vehicle repair bills to medical support!
Organization name
Payitforward Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Faith , Children & Family , Community , Humanitarian Aid , Volunteer , Emergencies , Memorials , Sports , Wishes
64456 230TH ST