Organization name
Pagan Pride-Twin Cities
Tax id (EIN)
Twin Cities Pagan Pride is an independent organization, separate from Pagan Pride International. (That means we have our own incorporation, our own 501(c)3 status, our own bylaws and reporting, etc.) While we were originally created to run the fall Twin Cities Pagan Pride event in coordination with the national Pagan Pride project, our plans have long included the possibility of running other events in the Twin Cities community.
Our idea of Paganicon grew out of a desire to shift the focus of the fall Pagan Pride event back to general public education and awareness. In 2011, we moved to an outside location with great walk through traffic, a few open rituals, and programming that’s designed to educate the general public about Pagans and Paganism.
However, we – and many others – had grown to love the great workshops, presentations, and other events that have become a part of our fall event. The obvious answer was to move this part of our event to another time of year. Moving to the spring also helps us because many people (including a number of vendors and musicians we’d love to include) are much more available when we’re not competing with the Renaissance Festival. (And the State Fair, and back-to-school time, and so on..)
The answer, then, is Paganicon, a spring hotel-based conference/convention that combines workshops, panels, discussions, social space, music, vendors, and much more. We have designed it on the same plans as other Pagan hotel-based events (such as Pantheacon, Convocation in Michigan, and many events up and down both coasts.) It’s a very similar model to fan-run SF conventions.
Organization name
Pagan Pride-Twin Cities
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 582932