Oxfam America

A nonprofit organization

1 donor

In 1942, a group of Quaker intellectuals, social activists, and Oxford academics formed the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief in response to the plight of refugees in Greece. After the war, Oxfam (a name derived from its postal code abbreviation) continued its work, sending materials and financial aid to groups aiding poor people throughout Europe. As the situation in Europe improved, Oxfam’s attention shifted to the needs of people in developing countries. A group of volunteers founded Oxfam America in 1970 in response to the humanitarian crisis created by the fight for independence in Bangladesh. Oxfam Great Britain provided a loan for the group, and at first Oxfam America funneled funds exclusively through Oxfam Great Britain. Originally located in Washington, DC, Oxfam America relocated to Boston in 1973, where its small staff worked out of a borrowed room in a West Newton church basement. In 2000, Oxfam America celebrated its 30th anniversary. While the organization today is a very different place—one that has grown and changed to address both the times and the changing needs of developing countries—several things have remained steadfast: the commitment to addressing issues of injustice and poverty, and the set of core values that has informed our work—legacies passed down through three decades of staff and board members. We've spent three decades working to change the world one village at a time. Through enduring partnerships with local organizations, we have helped millions of people to not only survive the devastation of wars, famines, and natural disasters, but to rebuild their lives. We trust local people to develop the best answers to local problems. Source: www.oxfamamerica.org

Organization Data


Organization name

Oxfam America

Tax id (EIN)



International Humanitarian Aid


77 N Washington St Ste 500
Boston, MA 02114


(617) 482-1211

Social Media