Organization name
Oak Grove Elementary PTA
Tax id (EIN)
1301 W 104TH STBLOOMINGTON, MN 55431-3163
The Oak Grove Elementary Parent Teacher Association (OGE PTA) works with teachers, school staff, parents/caregivers, and families to support our students as they learn and grow.
Oak Grove Elementary is a Title I school with a multiculturally diverse student body, with 58% minority enrollment, the majority of whom identify as Black/African American or Latino/Hispanic. More than 40% of the students qualify for free or reduced meals. Seventeen different languages are spoken at Oak Grove families, with Spanish, Vietnamese, and Somali representing the most prevalent.
The OGE PTA supports the school and its students by helping teachers and staff purchase classroom supplies, holding fall and spring book fairs to earn Scholastic Dollars for the media center, and organizing virtual and in person events such as Movie, Outdoor, Art, Literacy, Science and Music family nights.
We are committed to helping all our students at Oak Grove Elementary and we appreciate your support!
Organization name
Oak Grove Elementary PTA
Tax id (EIN)
1301 W 104TH ST