Newman Catholic Campus Ministries at UMD

A nonprofit organization

Our mission is to bring the Gospel to every corner of life at UMD. We strive to ensure that every Duluth student is seen, known, and loved. We do this by offering daily Sacraments, Eucharistic Adoration, and lots of fellowship. This ministry is positively impacting where many young souls will be for eternity and your generosity is what makes is possible. Thank you!

Mass is celebrated every day! Our schedule is as follows:
Sunday Mass: 10:30 am in the Kirby Ballroom & 6 pm at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary
Daily Mass at Newman
Monday- 8:00 am | Tuesday & Thursday - 5:30 pm (Mass & Meal at Cathedral) 
Wednesday - 7:00 pm | Friday - 12:05 pm   

Reconciliation:  This great Sacrament of Mercy is available 30 minutes prior to the start of every Mass.

Bible Studies are offered almost daily and are led by our FOCUS Missionaries and student leaders.

Alpha/RCIA - For those that are interested in learning more about our faith or becoming Catholic, RCIA is offered every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm.

Retreats- What better way to know who we are and who we are meant to be than by knowing Him who made us! We provide 4 retreat opportunities to students every year.  Retreats provide an opportunity for students to go away for a weekend and spend time in prayer and fellowship with other young Catholics.  All of our retreats provide a clear proclamation of the Gospel, an opportunity to go to confession, Daily Mass, a time of Adoration and Praise and Worship.

Service & Missions:  While it is important that they are formed in the faith, we are also called to share and live out that faith and give back to others.  We provide opportunities for our students to share in the greater Duluth community once a month, several students serve as core team members for religious education and youth ministry programs at the local parishes, participate in mission trips over spring breaks, and serve as part of a retreat team for high school confirmation retreats.

We strive to give glory to God in all that we do!  Your support goes a long way in providing a Catholic campus ministry program to all the students of UMD.



Organization Data


Organization name

Newman Catholic Campus Ministries at UMD

other names


Tax id (EIN)





421 W Saint Marie Street
DULUTH, MN 55812


320 828 1595

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