New Life In Christ Ministry

A nonprofit organization

99 donors

Thank you for considering New Life in Christ Ministry for  your precious contribution dollars.  Your funding helps us to serve men and women who are coming out of various bondages who want and need to be set free from their pasts through a relationship with the living Christ.  In the process they become productive citizens, reducing crime and victims, as well as cost to tax payers.

Thanks also to all those who are return contributors from past GMDs.  May the Lord bless you as you help us serve in His Kingdom.

Pastor David

Our vision statement:

“To serve those coming from incarceration and/or addiction by building lasting relationships in Christ’s love for changed lives and strengthened communities.”   

Our Mission statement:

“To build a Christ-centered relationship by befriending the incarcerated, the ex-offender, the recovering addict, and their families, in order to change old behaviors through: prayer, meeting their initial life needs, the study and application of God’s Word, and modeling Christ-like behavior in mentorship and accountability. And through collaboration with the local church and greater community; rebuilding trust and productivity.” 


I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.                                                               Galatians 2:20

Organization Data


Organization name

New Life In Christ Ministry

Tax id (EIN)



PO BOX 456