National Anti-Vivisection Society

A nonprofit organization

11 donors

The National Anti-Vivisection Society promotes greater compassion, respect and justice for animals through educational programs based on res


The National Anti-Vivisection Society promotes greater compassion, respect and justice for animals through educational programs based on respected ethical and scientific theory and supported by extensive documentation of the cruelty and waste of vivisection. NAVS? education programs are directed at increasing public awareness about vivisection, identifying humane solutions to human problems, developing alternatives to the use of animals, and working with like-minded individuals to effect changes which help to end the suffering of innocent animals.


NAVS' Student/Teacher Outreach Programs are designed to inform students and educators about the many alternatives to the use of animals in science education. The NAVS Dissection Alternative Loan Program (DALP) is the first and most expansive program of its kind to date. DALP offers a wide range of non-animal alternatives to students, teachers and schools on a free-of-charge, loan basis. The library's resources include a total of 300 individual alternatives representing 18 species. The NAVS Dissection Hotline is the only national toll-free information and counseling service for students opposed to animal dissection. Through our greatly expanded legal and legislative programs, NAVS uses the power of the democratic process on behalf of animals. The National Anti-Vivisection Society has developed, a web site that serves as a comprehensive online resource that uses the power of the Internet to disseminate legal and legislative information as it pertains to animal issues. This site is valuable to attorneys, paralegals, law students, animal advocates and members of the general public who are conducting research in this area. NAVS remains committed to supporting a variety of special initiatives, both within our organization and in cooperation with other animal advocacy groups. The NAVS Sanctuary Fund is an emergency assistance program designed to serve animals in dire situations where immediate intervention is necessary. Through the NAVS Sanctuary Fund, we are able to provide the money necessary to finance a rescue effort without having to go through the time and expense of sending out an appeal to our members. In every case, the fund's money is used to help ensure permanent, lifetime care for all the animals involved. NAVS General Education and Awareness Programs include publication of "Expressions, 4th edition", a 32-page book discussing vivisection and NAVS' efforts to find humane solutions to animal experimentation. Mailed to NAVS members, public libraries and other not-for-profit organizations involved in animal rights and animal welfare issues. "Personal Care for People Who Care", publication of the 10th edition of this guide to companies that do and do not test their final products and ingredients on animals includes expanded sections on alternatives to animal tests, company/subsidiary relationships, and a new list of mail-order companies. The NAVS web site at has just been updated, bringing new technology and a major face-lift to the site. continues to provide up-to-date, authoritative information on the subject of vivisection, along with more timely news and interactive features and information on NAVS' programs and current events pertaining to the use of animals in science and education.

Organization Data


Organization name

National Anti-Vivisection Society

Tax id (EIN)







(312) 427-6065