Minnesota Architectural Foundation

A nonprofit organization

29 donors

Investing in excellence, leadership, discovery and equity in the profession of architecture.

Established in 1981, the Thomas F. Ellerbe Scholarship recognizes exemplary students in the final year of their Master’s program.  In May, eight finalists were honored at an award reception. This year's award recipients are Pratibha Chauhan, Kyrshanbor Hynniewta, and Joseph Mills, each received a monetary award.

The Beverly Hauschild-Baron Leadership Fund was established in 2001 to honor the leadership of Beverly Hauschild-Baron, Hon. AIA to the Minnesota architectural community. Scholarships have included attendance at the AIA Women's Leadership Summit and participation in the AIA Minnesota Leadership Forum.  In addition, this fund has sponsored the final leadership keynote speaker at the AIA Minnesota Conference on Architecture.

First awarded in 1989, the most recent Ralph Rapson Traveling Study Fellowship was awarded to Shida Du, AIA, a project architect with BWBR.  Du is planning to utilize his photography, drawing, and writing skills to study and document how communities rebuild from catastrophic natural disasters. 

The Clarence Wigington Minority Architectural Scholarship is pleased to announce that recipients Jessica Holmes and Savannah Steele graduated from the M. Architecture program at the University of Minnesota in May 2018.  Visit our website to view the Wigington video and learn more about the scholarship recipients and the Clarence Wigington Minority Architectural Scholarship.

MAF is pleased to announce their newest fund for Women in Architeture!

The Wigington Scholarship from Ryan Siemers on Vimeo.

Organization Data


Organization name

Minnesota Architectural Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture Education Science, Tech & Business


105 5th Avenue South, Suite 485