Minneapolis Climate Action

A nonprofit organization

$4,437 raised by 37 donors

44% complete

$10,000 Goal

Local, Equitable Climate Solutions! 

Minneapolis Climate Action has made incredible progress bringing equitable climate solutions and benefits to our most overburdened neighborhoods. Our mission is to go beyond greenhouse gas emissions reductions and embed all of our work in environmental justice principles.

Minneapolis Climate Action has poured time, passion, and resources into creating and launching a model for barrier-free Community Solar Gardens across Minneapolis.

Imagine what we could do with your support in your community!

Our community solar gardens at North High School and Second Chance Recycling are open to ALL - regardless of income, credit score, with no money needed upfront, and whether you rent or own. Members get an electric bill credit for the solar energy produced without having have to install or pay for panels on their own roof.

We prioritize community members with low income for membership. Our partners are BIPOC led businesses and organizations like Renewable Energy Partners, Go Solar Construction, LLC, Central and Bryant Neighborhoods, Sabathani Community Center, Neighborhood Hub, and MN Renewable Now, to name a few.

Help us launch our Community Solar Garden model in every neighborhood in Minneapolis! 
Our model not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but democratizes our renewable energy transition and brings LOCAL economic and health benefits, first and foremost to overburdened communities.

Check out our Youtube Channel for more videos related to our community solar and climate ambassador programs. You will be INSPIRED!

Our community solar garden installer, JT Thomas from Go Solar Installations, 2nd from left and developer, Jamez Staples from Renewable Energy Partners, 3rd from left


North High School students with MCA ED Kyle Samejima, checking out the community solar garden on the roof of their school that will benefit North Mpls families and North High


Imagine community solar gardens like the one on North High School all over our city! With your help we can get there!

Local, Equitable Climate Solutions! Today and everyday!

Check out our MEDIA GALLERY to see more photos of our Daryeel Cimilada (Care for Climate in Somali) Climate Ambassador program we did in partnership with Ukasha Dakane and FRAYEO in Whittier Park this summer! Help us reach more youth to create climate ambassadors that will change the world right here in Minneapolis!

Daryeel Cimilada (Care for Climate) Climate Ambassador Graduation in Whittier Park, Summer 2021
A partnership between FRAYEO, led by Ukasha Dakane, and Minneapolis Climate Action


More about Minneapolis Climate Action:

The climate emergency is front and center in our minds and hearts. We want to turn fear into active hope as we work for effective and just solutions to this crisis. 

Minneapolis Climate Action brings innovative climate solutions to our local communities.  We inspire & empower grassroots action through neighborhood organizing, education, connection with each other and nature, and direct action. Join us as we bring community together for a better planet and healthy Minneapolis.


To inspire and empower our neighbors to action with innovative climate solutions.


Minneapolis as a national climate leader, with an active and informed citizenry.

Who We Are:

We are a group of Minneapolis citizens dedicated to ensuring a sustainable future for our communities. We believe in the strength of our communities, but understand that many complex issues face our city, state, region, and world. We fight for a Minneapolis in which future generations will be able to be able to prosper and thrive. Through piloting, innovating, and bringing established best-practices to our city, we ensure that Minneapolis will be at the forefront of the climate movement. Among our ranks are your neighbors, community leaders, engineers, lawyers, non-profit professionals, students, fathers, mothers, and many loyal citizens committed to a better future for our city.

Why We're Here:

The reasons are many. Mothers, fathers, and grandparents want to leave a legacy of hope to their children and grandchildren. Conservationists fight to protect our Minneapolis parks, lakes, rivers, and greater ecosystems with coming climatic changes. Activists fight for climate equity and prosperity for all. Innovators strive for renewable energy independence and to reach zero waste. We believe that empowering local action is the most effective way to drive change. At the individual, neighborhood, and city level, our actions have real impact and powerful influence.

What your donation will support:

These are just a few of our initiatives in Minneapolis:

  • Increased access to community solar gardens with a model that creates access to all and benefits Minneapolis neighborhood organizations

With national action at a standstill, local leadership is needed!

Please consider joining our growing community of support. Your donation will help bring innovative climate solutions to Communities throughout Minneapolis.

Organization Data


Organization name

Minneapolis Climate Action

Tax id (EIN)



Environment,  Science, Tech & Business,  Community

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving




3537 Nicollet Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55408



Social Media