Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light (MNIPL)

A nonprofit organization

$10,369 raised

100% complete

$7,200 Goal

This is the moment!

Last year, MNIPL and our network saw huge wins on a state, national, and international level! There are unprecedented amounts of funding promised to low-income and Black communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color to repair the harms of climate disruption and move towards sustainability. 

But we also know that the how is just as important as the what — and we need your help to make sure those dollars go where they're needed and not into the pockets of corporations.

None of MNIPL's work would be possible without the support of grassroots donors like you.

We need resources to meet the scale of the challenge and possibility in front of us. We ask that you give more generously, more ambitiously, and more meaningfully than ever. 

Every contribution matters. Every difference we make comes from all of us.

Thank you for your financial gift! We are grateful that you are a part of our work. We are grateful for all that you do to care for our world!

2023 Highlights

Helping Our Community Go Solar!

Because of MNIPL's guidance and efforts, as of Fall 2023 

  • 21 congregations and nonprofit organizations are benefiting from solar energy 
  • 28 faith communities were provided with solar system design proposals and advised on installing and financing solar energy
  • Dozens of low-income households were reached out to with education about how subscribing to a community solar garden can lower their utility costs
  • MNIPL continued to be a strong voice for equity and justice as a Presidential Member of MNSEIA, the solar industry trade association in our state.

Reparations Work

The same systems that separate us from caring for the earth also work to separate us from caring for one another.

The United States was built on land stolen from Native people by the stolen labor of enslaved Black people. The same way of thinking and being has created a world dependent on fossil fuels at the expense of our care for each other and the earth.

We can’t work towards a thriving, just, and sustainable world without also committing to repairing the wounds of land theft and enslavement.  With this in mind MNIPL hosted four "Reparations Learning Tables" conversations to start educating our community on what reparations can be, why they are important in the here and now, and how individuals can get involved.

Reparations Learning Table Series

2023 Legislative Agenda

We had an amazing opportunity this legislative year to effect meaningful change with a bold climate and equity platform. We are happy to say that the Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority (MNCIFA) was created and fully funded with $45 million!

MNIPL led the campaign to establish a state fund that helps communities, families and businesses access money for renewable energy and green projects. A powerful follow-up to the 100% bill, this ensures all Minnesotans have the opportunity to benefit from clean energy. 

Now, we need to make sure those funds go where they're supposed to: into the communities most impacted by this climate disruption.

MN Reformer

Sahan Journal

Midwest Energy New

Rise and Repair Coalition and Rally

Another session highlight was leading the Rise and Repair coalition of 28 organizations that brough over 250 people to the Rise and Repair Rally and lobby day at the State Capitol on February 15th. The event and coalition uplifted the Indigenous Rights and Climate Justice legislative platform, including Indigenous, youth and faith speakers.

Makayla Freeman & Ramiro Vazquez speaking at Rise & Repair

Organization Data


Organization name

Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light (MNIPL)

Tax id (EIN)



Environment Faith Community




4407 E Lake St
Minneapolis, MN 55406



Social Media