Minnesota Break the Bonds Nonprofit

A nonprofit organization

21 donors

We are Minnesotans from all walks of life working to promote justice & human rights in Palestine.

Minnesota Break the Bonds (MN BBC) was formed in 2008 to as a way to generate awareness of the international campaign for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS), as called for by Palestinian civil society in 2005, in Minnesota. We have focused on getting the State Board of Investments to divest the MN public employee pension fund of its $10 million dollar holdings in Israeli government bonds. We focus on educating the public and public officials about human rights violations committed against Palestinians by the Israeli government and want to see the state of MN end its complicity in these human rights violations through holding Israeli government bonds. We also support and promote other forms of boycott, divestment, and sanction in MN, in the US, and around the world.

We are working for human rights in Palestine - and educating Minnesotans along the way.

Here are some of the projects we have been involved in: 
Educating legislators - the state legislature presents a huge opportunity for education
Educating Minnesotans - with presentations, printed material, and outside speakers
An oral history project - getting first-hand stories from Minnesotans of Palestinian origin
Cultural events - film showings, poetry readings, art displays
Days on the Hill - more ways to educate
Ice cream socials - something sweet!

Presentation to the State Board of Investments at the State Capitol on why they should divest from Israel bonds.

Organization Data


Organization name

Minnesota Break the Bonds Nonprofit

Tax id (EIN)





P.O. Box 40414
St. Paul, MN 55104



Social Media