Minneapolis ECFE Parents Council

A nonprofit organization

57% complete

$500 Goal

Our families love ECFE and want to help it grow even stronger!

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is completely unique to Minnesota - no other state in the nation has a state-wide program like ECFE! ECFE supports families of all types and backgrounds, regardless of income, ethnicity, or education level. The program is designed to not only support the growth and development of children from birth through kindergarten, but also to support parents and caregivers throughout their child's most-critical developmental years.

The Minneapolis ECFE Parents Council supports ECFE in a variety of ways.

  • Raise money for the  Minneapolis ECFE program - over $1,200 last year was given to our Minneapolis ECFE classrooms! 
  • Increase awareness for families that might not know about ECFE yet. 
  • Advocate on behalf of ECFE within Minneapolis Public Schools, and at the State Legislature. 
  • Organize informative and fun events, like Preschool Info Fairs, Children’s Book Author Fairs, and Parenting Expert Guest Speakers. 
  • Work with the administration to make ECFE even better. 

The  Minneapolis Parents Council uses its funds to support ECFE classrooms and families in a variety of ways.

  • Provide funding for new classroom materials and activities -- We have helped to fund indoor climbing structures in our classrooms which promote gross motor development, and new books for use during whole-group and parent-child activities to promote early literacy skills in younger learners.
  • Continuing annual events and adding new events -- Our events are designed to be informative to caregivers, supportive to families, help strengthen the ECFE community, and be fun! Every year the Minneapolis Parents Council hosts a preschool fair to help families navigate the next stage of their child's education. Our author fair last year gave families the chance to interact with authors of children's books and engage in early literacy activities. With sufficient funding, we would be able to build upon previous traditions such as hosting expert guest speakers in the domains of sleep, nutrition, and child development.
  • Supporting Minneapolis ECFE's sister programs - The Minneapolis Parents Council supports other Minneapolis Public Schools early childhood programs like the Teen Parents program. We conduct diaper drives and provide at-home learning activities to teen parents and their children.

ECFE is a unique program that not only promotes positive growth and change within a young child's social, emotional, and cognitive development, but also provides parents with added support structures and instills a greater understanding of a child's development and individual differences.

Help to make sure that ECFE is around for years to come, support the Minneapolis ECFE Parents Council by making a donation today!

Organization Data


Organization name

Minneapolis ECFE Parents Council

Tax id (EIN)



Education,  Children & Family


MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55411-2057