The Mast Cell Disease Society

A nonprofit organization

109 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

About Us

The Mast Cell Disease Society, Inc. (TMS) is a national rare disease patient organization. Founded in 1995, TMS’ founding members saw a critical need for greater public access to information about mast cell diseases. Today, TMS continues to pioneer the path to increase education and research about mast cell diseases, a group of diseases involving the immune system where patients can have dangerous and life-threatening reactions including anaphylaxis.

Whom We Serve

TMS serves any individual or organization who shares a connection with mast cell diseases- to include mastocytosis, mast cell activation syndromes, mast cell sarcoma, and hereditary alpha tryptasemia. The TMS team fosters many relationships throughout the nation and internationally, partnering with physicians, researchers, patients and caregivers.

How We Serve

With the generous charitable contributions that we receive from individuals and organizations, we support three critical programs that benefit the community of patients with mast cell disease; patient support, physician education, and research. We work to create resources for both patients and health care professionals, to provide patients with avenues to find support and physicians with opportunities to network and peer learn. Finally, we conduct research and invest a substantial amount of our funding in the advancement of external research to find a cure.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Mast Cell Disease Society

Tax id (EIN)



Health Science, Tech & Business


PO Box 416
Sterling, MA 01564



Social Media