Marshall Food4Kids

A nonprofit organization

$5,767 raised by 31 donors

Research has shown that a lack of food can affect children physically, mentally and emotionally. These children get sick more often, test lower in math and reading and can experience anxiety and depression.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 17 million children live in households struggling to put enough food on the table. This includes many families in Marshall. Of Marshall students, 46% are eligible for free or reduced price lunches through the National School Lunch Program.

The National School Lunch Program helps out during the week, but what about when students go home for the weekend? We bridge this gap by sending home a bag of nutritious snacks with students.

The Marshall Food4Kids program began in 2013 and has grown to serve more than 800 students because of dedicated volunteers and the generous donations from foundations, companies and the community. But we need your help!

Your sponsorship will allow us to continue serving children in Head Start, Preschool through 8th Grade, and MATEC.

Organization Data


Organization name

Marshall Food4Kids

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family


PO BOX 771