Organization name
The Man Up Club
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Humanitarian Aid
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
1018 N 5th StreetMinneapolis, MN 55411
The Man Up Club is a non-profit mentor-leadership organization dedicated to empowering disadvantaged African American males and boys of color ages 13 to 24 who strive to overcome challenges and become thriving, valued members of society.
The MISSION of The Man Up Club is to develop boys and a holistic young men of character.
Our 4 areas of Mentorship:
1. Academic Discipline
2. Social Skills
3. Life Skills
4. Civic Responsibility
Our approach emphasizes peer-to-peer accountability and a personal development approach to our 3 MAIN GOALS:
- Graduate from high school.
- Stay out of the prison pipeline.
- Enroll in college or trade schools after high school
We recently launched and moved into our beautiful youth center, “THE CLUBHOUSE” 1 year ago! We are located in North Minneapolis at 1018 N. 5th St., Minneapolis, MN 55411
The Man Up Club, provides a safe, supportive environment where young men can develop positive, lasting relationships with mentors. We offer programs that foster Career readiness training, including entrepreneurship and trade skills, resilience, self-confidence, and character building needed to make positive life choices. Our program include:
- One on One & Group Mentoring
- Youthbild Construction
- Music Production
-Culinary Arts
- Job & career Readiness
- Fitness
- Tutoring
- Trauma-healing & mental health resources.
- National Sirus XM Radio Podcast
Why Your Support Matters
- 80% of the young men in The Man Up Club are fatherless.
- only 67% of african-American males are graduating from high school in the state of Minnesota
- 33% of African-American male in Minnesota are incarcerated
- A large percent of African-American males in Minnesota are involved in the violence victim to senseless murders
Join Us!
We are raising $50,000 to sustain and grow our year-round programming, ensuring young men continue to receive our programming which has proven to be effective impactful and to change lives.
We are currently serving 40 young men and looking to provide transportation to young men in the 11 county Twin Cities metropolitan area by purchasing two 12 passenger transit vans along with upgrading our clubhouse equipment. Your contributions directly impact lives, helping us break cycles of poverty and empower the next generation of leaders.
Thank you for believing in our mission and standing with us to build a brighter future for our community!
#GTMD2024 #TheManUpClub #ManUpTwinCities #InvestingInOurYoungMen
Organization name
The Man Up Club
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Humanitarian Aid
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
1018 N 5th Street