Organization name
Mahube-Otwa Community Action Partnership Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Humanitarian Aid
1125 W River RoadDetroit Lakes, MN 56501-2722
If you're here to support our Family Health Program, click on the "SOS" tab to learn more, or click "donate" below.
Some of the fondest memories of Minnesotans include frolicking in the snow as young children: sledding, making snow angels and snowmen, climbing on snowbanks as high as mountains, and then going inside for a change of mittens when they got soaked and a cup of hot chocolate when play was done for the day.
Since 1965 Mahube-Otwa has been helping low-income families in our service area reach for their dreams. Last year, our services touched about one in four people living in our five-county service area (Mahnomen, Hubbard, Becker, Otter Tail, and Wadena). We provide a range of services that goes beyond what is listed below to help people help themselves. Our service-delivery is guided by our values of being client-focused, community-minded, and resourceful.
In 2018, our work at Mahube-Otwa led to:
Each of these numbers represent real people whose hopes have been realized by our mission to "Empower People to Achieve Self-Sufficiency."
Please join us in helping our communities become stronger and healthier. Thank you!
Organization name
Mahube-Otwa Community Action Partnership Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Humanitarian Aid
1125 W River Road