M2 Foundation

A nonprofit organization

59 donors

Help create that more beautiful world we all know is possible

We are living through interesting and challenging times. It’s not the first time nor will it be the last but it does merit our attention and our love. There will be many chances for us to express love and solidarity, to stand together, to be strong, to show courage in the face of fear and divisiveness. So, let us be prepared. Bodhisattvas train the mind and heart so they are able to bear the cries of the world and act in response with compassion and wisdom.
Be good to yourself today, and to those around you. Nurture what feeds your heart and soul. Understand where you know connection and love and turn to it for refuge. This is not easy work. Taming dragons is messy and, like everything else, it will not play out according to script. Facing the unknown is part of the taming. Feed love – you need it – we all need it.
As we embark on this journey together, know that your support and involvement over the years has allowed M2 to grow and become a home for a Mindfulness Movement in Minnesota. We would like to present you with a karmic opportunity:
A lot has happened since M2 was founded. We’ve reached thousands of people through the work we are doing. There are many stories of joy and great success and there have been plenty of difficult challenges. We, along with hundreds of other organizations and individuals across the country have moved the mindfulness ball forward. Walking into a school or workplace and talking about mindfulness is commonplace now. There is little resistance to the idea and in fact, people are hungry for it. It’s still difficult to implement good programs, to find the money to adequately pay teachers for their time and to get participants to follow through with the practices long term, but we have more than just a foot in the door. That success is because of you. This week alone I have met with more than 100 people of all ages to meditate, to talk, to make music and to explore what it is to be alive and caring. I meet with employees of city government, students, civic leaders, young children, elders, religious teachers, partners and lonely souls. We are part of a huge and necessary cultural shift.
Speaking of shifts, M2 has reorganized our programming into three related but distinct areas: Urban Monk facilitates mindfulness activities around learning, eating and meditation. Zen Village invites participants to M2 for deeper explorations of mindfulness. Rhythm of the Saints uses percussion music to reach people. All of these programs deserve your financial support. Please Give to the Max!

Read more about these programs at M2foundation.org.

Organization Data


Organization name

M2 Foundation

Tax id (EIN)





308 PRINCE ST Suite 250

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