Organization name
Lyndale Community School Parent Teacher Org
Tax id (EIN)
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
$4,550 raised by 46 donors
76% complete
$6,000 Goal
The Lyndale Community School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) works to support our school and to create a welcoming environment for all of our children and families. Lyndale values and supports its diversity of students in terms of race, culture, income level, and learning abilities. The Lyndale PTO organizes school events to build community and foster relationships among students, families and teachers. We fundraise to support teachers and provide enrichment opportunities for students.
This year the first $6000 of our goal will help continue to fund our artist in residence program for all grades. Specifically, this year the funds will support the ability for our students to dig into big ideas through photography, storytelling, theatre, puppets, poetry, song and movement.
In addition, the Lyndale PTO:
Anyone can donate to this site with a debit/credit card to support Lyndale Community School. Lyndale School has two main fundraisers during the school year — Give to the Max Day in November and a Read-a-thon in the spring — but you can donate anytime!
You may also donate by check to Lyndale Community School PTO/Foundation, ℅ Lyndale Community School, 312 W 34th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55408.
❤️ Thank you for your support ❤️
Lyndale PTO is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and is eligible for employer matching. If you have an employer that matches charitable donations, check to see if they are able to match your donation and it will help us reach our goals.
Acerca del PTO de Lyndale Community School
La Organización de Padres y Maestros (PTO) de Lyndale Community School trabaja para apoyar a nuestra escuela y crear un ambiente acogedor para todos nuestros niños y familias. Lyndale valora y apoya la diversidad de estudiantes en términos de raza, cultura, nivel de ingresos y habilidades de aprendizaje. El PTO de Lyndale organiza eventos escolares para construir una comunidad y fomentar las relaciones entre los estudiantes, las familias y los maestros. Recaudamos fondos para apoyar a los maestros y brindar oportunidades de enriquecimiento a los estudiantes.
Este año, los primeros $6000 de nuestra meta ayudarán a continuar financiando nuestro programa de artistas en residencia para todos los grados. Específicamente, este año los fondos apoyarán la capacidad de nuestros estudiantes de profundizar en grandes ideas a través de la narración de cuentos, el teatro, los títeres, la poesía, las canciones y el movimiento.
Cualquiera puede donar a este sitio con una tarjeta de débito / crédito para apoyar a Lyndale Community School. La escuela Lyndale tiene dos eventos principales para recaudar fondos durante el año escolar: el día Give to the Max en noviembre y un Read-a-thon en la primavera, ¡pero puede donar en cualquier momento!
También puede donar con cheque a la PTO / Fundación de Lyndale Community School, ℅ Lyndale Community School, 312 W 34th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55408.
❤️ Gracias por su apoyo ❤️
Ku saabsan Dugsiga Beesha Lyndale PTO
Ururka Waalidka-Macallinka Dugsiga Beesha Lyndale (PTO) wuxuu u shaqeeyaa sidii uu u taageeri lahaa dugsigeenna iyo inuu u abuuri lahaa jawi soo dhaweyn dhammaan carruurteena iyo qoysaskeena. Lyndale wuxuu qiimeeyaa oo taageeraa kala duwanaanshaha ardayda marka loo eego isirka, dhaqanka, heerka dakhliga, iyo kartida waxbarashada. Lyndale PTO waxay qabanqaabisaa dhacdooyinka dugsiga si loo dhiso bulshada loona kobciyo xiriirka ardayda, qoysaska iyo macallimiinta. Waxaan lacag aruurinnaa si aan u taageerno macallimiinta oo aan siinno fursado kobcinta ardayda.
Sanadkaan $6000 ee ugu horeeya yoolkeena ayaa gacan ka geysan doona sii wadida maalgalinta farshaxanadena ee dhamaan fasalada. Gaar ahaan sanadkaan dhaqaaluhu wuxuu taageeri doonaa awooda ardaydeena si ay qodaan fikrado waaweyn iyada oo loo marayo sheeko-sheeko, Tiyaatar, Gabayo, Heeso iyo Dhaqdhaqaaq.
Qof kasta ayaa ku deeqi kara goobtan kaarka deynta/kaarka si loo taageero Dugsiga Bulshada Lyndale. Dugsiga Lyndale wuxuu leeyahay laba lacag-ururin oo waaweyn inta lagu jiro sannad-dugsiyeedka-Sii Maalinta Max ee Nofeembar iyo Akhriska-gu'ga gu'ga-laakiin waad ku deeqi kartaa wakhti kasta!
Waxa kale oo aad ku bixin kartaa jeeg Lyndale Community School PTO/Foundation, ℅ Lyndale Community School, 312 W 34th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55408.
Waad ku mahadsan tahay taageeradaada ❤️
Organization name
Lyndale Community School Parent Teacher Org
Tax id (EIN)
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
312 W 34TH ST