League of Women Voters of Minnesota

A nonprofit organization

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy. 

“As the frenzy of election season draws to a close, we'd like to take a moment to recognize the tireless work that many do to facilitate civic engagement, educate voters and uphold the integrity of our elections. League of Women Voters of Minnesota (LWVMN) is one organization doing work that is crucial to strengthening our democracy.”

Crucial. Vital. The Face of our Democracy. These are the words used in the recent editorial from the Star Tribune, extending their thank you to our members for their work and service to our communities. We couldn’t agree more! LWV stands out, with our century of commitment to empowering voters and defending democracy.

These words can also be used to describe our donors - Your year-end gift is crucial to supporting our year-round work. LWV shone brightly at the Capitol this session - testifying at committee hearings, participating in rallies and floor votes, informing members through our Capitol Letter, signing action alerts. Your donations were vital to our success: Voting will now be easier, for ALL Minnesotans; Elections and election officials will be better protected; Our climate will be healthier; Guns will be more difficult to get for dangerous people. 


Your financial support will help LWVMN remain the Face of our Democracy in 2024 as we:

  • Educate voters across the state about our new pro-voter laws.

  • Engage voters through Vote411 and hundreds of Candidate Forums.

  • Pass the ERA, to be on the ballot as a State Constitutional Amendment.

  • Confront mis- and disinformation, and observe Post Election Reviews.

  • Pass new Redistricting bill, to ensure People Powered Fair Maps.

  • Support our local Leagues!

Crucial. Vital. Face of our Democracy. To our donors, we say THANK YOU

The 2024 elections present new challenges, and LWVMN is being called upon to meet the rising demand for nonpartisan supporters of elections and democracy, especially across Greater Minnesota. Your donation is crucial to our vital work during this Presidential year, and we ask that you continue to invest in our democracy with your year-end gift. Individual contributions account for more than 50% of our budget. We promise to continue investing your support in the work that made 2023 possible!

With appreciation and gratitude, 


Michelle Witte, Executive Director                           Laura Helmer, President 

P.S. Donate Today! All gifts are crucial this year! 

Organization Data


Organization name

League of Women Voters of Minnesota

Tax id (EIN)



Education Community Volunteer

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving


75 W 5th St Suite 315
St Paul, MN 55102


651 224 5445

Social Media