Lung Cancer Foundation of America

A nonprofit organization

$2,690 raised by 25 donors

The Lung Cancer Foundation of America was established by two lung cancer survivors and a lung cancer widow.


The Lung Cancer Foundation of America (LCFA) was established by two lung cancer survivors and a lung cancer widow. Although their life experiences vary greatly the three of them have come to the same realization…the poor survival rate for lung cancer is a direct result of the lack of funding for lung cancer research.

Their stories, not unique to people affected by lung cancer, brought them together to create the LCFA.

Kim Norris, a successful management consultant, became a Lung SPORE (Specialized Program of Research Excellence) Patient Advocate at UCLA, several years after her 47 year old husband passed away from lung cancer.

Lori Monroe, a Registered Nurse and the mother of 2 active teen-age daughters, was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in September 2001, at age 42. Lori has been involved with advocacy through the NCI Lung SPOREs, the NCI Cooperative Groups, and National Lung Advocacy groups.

Attorney David Sturges, was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in 2002. His diagnosis and the sad state of funding for lung cancer research has brought him into the fold of advocacy as a hopeful means of changing the approach to funding lung cancer research.

Together, by pooling their personal and professional experiences, Kim, Lori and David discovered the world of lung cancer research. They have spent the last several years meeting with top lung cancer researchers in the country, members of Congress, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and other cancer advocacy groups. They have found that most people are simply unaware of the deficient and inadequate state of lung cancer research.

They have also discovered the difficulty in fighting for every penny from the federal government, not only for lung cancer research, but for all cancer research. With constantly changing priorities and demands, and shrinking budgets, it seems more like “he who yells the loudest wins.” They have also realized that very little private funding is dedicated to lung cancer research.

Working with many of the top lung cancer researchers and clinicians in this country, Kim, David and Lori have seen how lung cancer researchers are trying diligently to unlock the secrets unique to lung cancer. They have also witnessed how much time researchers spend trying to secure money to pay for the research, an effort that distracts them from their primary research function. The abysmal state of funding for lung cancer research also discourages new researchers who, instead, gravitate to where the money is, leaving a potential gaping hole in future lung cancer research programs.

It’s time for the best and brightest to now focus on lung cancer. That can only be accomplished by focusing substantial funding on lung cancer research. LCFA’s goal is to be at the frontline, opening the door to the private sector money supply in order to support research that will predict, detect and treat lung cancer.

It’s lung cancer’s turn….


The purpose of the Lung Cancer Foundation of America (LCFA) is to save lives by improving the survival rate of lung cancer by raising money from the private sector and channeling those funds to lung cancer researchers, so that researchers find effective ways to predict, detect, and treat lung cancer.


The Lung Cancer Foundation of America’s mission is to save lives by dramatically increasing the five-year survival rates for all stages of lung cancer, the nation’s leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women. The LCFA will accomplish this by providing the necessary and critical funding for creative and leading edge lung cancer research programs. These will include programs that:

  • Lead to the development of effective predictive protocols.
  • Lead to the development of effective early detection.
  • Lead to the development of effective prognostic and treatment protocols.
  • Recognize, support and encourage researchers and established research programs in the areas of lung cancer.
  • Encourage new lung cancer researchers by way of career development awards.

Organization Data


Organization name

Lung Cancer Foundation of America

Tax id (EIN)



NEW ULM, MN 56073