Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry Inc

A nonprofit organization

$1,990 raised by 10 donors

Indigenous girls like these in Guatemala typically drop out of school after 6th grade. Our partner is changing that! Help our partners EDUCATE TO THE MAX! 

Since 1995, Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM) has worked - and walked - alongside Christian partners in Central Africa, Guatemala, India, Tanzania, and beyond to provide access to quality education to people at the margins, especially women and girls.

Why focus on education? Because education has the power to break cycles of poverty, abuse, forced child marriage, and more. This is especially true for women and girls. 

How do you do it? We walk alongside our global neighbors as they break barriers to education, such as safe shelter, financial support, vocational and literacy training opportunities, and more. 

We listen to and retell theirAn LPGM traveler enjoys meeting the daughter of a young Maasai woman who escaped from a forced marriage. Mother and daughter now live at our partner's safe house and receive an education. stories to raise awareness and support for their education. 

And, through our unique inter-generational trips, travelers build relationships with our partners and the students we serve, taking home what they learn to impact their own communities. 

By providing access to education, we are seeing students from vulnerable populations attend school, stay in school, and succeed!

In other words, EDUCATING TO THE MAX makes MAXimum impact! 

Who are our partners? Our global partners are Christian nonprofits or church bodies based in the Central African Republic, Guatemala, India, Tanzania, and beyond. Our partners are from and/or serve populations with exceptional These young women in Tanzania escaped child marriage and now find safe shelter and support through one of LPGM's partners.challenges to accessing education: 

* women and girls in the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) who are illiterate due to years of political instability and extreme poverty

* Q'eqchi' Maya girls in Guatemala who typically drop out of school after 6th grade to take care of or begin their own family

* Dalit girls and boys in India whose economic status is volatile, and 

* Maasai girls and young women in Tanzania who run away from home to avoid being married in exchange for a dowry, so they can pursue an education. 

Please join us in giving the gift of education to these vulnerable students. 

To donate directly to LPGM, you may give online at, or mail a check made to "LPGM" to LPGM, 4570 W. 77th St. Ste. 124, Minneapolis, MN 55435. 

Questions? Want to learn more? Please call us at 612-823-5058 or visit 

May God Bless You!

Organization Data


Organization name

Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry Inc

other names

LPGM, Lutheran Partners

Tax id (EIN)



Education Environment International

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving


4570 W 77th St Ste 124
Minneapolis, MN 55435-5024


612 823 5058

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