Lived Experience Advocacy Network (LEAN)

A nonprofit organization

$5,425 raised by 21 donors

Our Vision Statement

As a cohort, we will all be LEANing on each other to support each other. We will share resources and opportunities. We will use our collective voices, minds, and spirits to reduce misconceptions surrounding homelessness while guiding Minnesota forward to new/improved homelessness prevention and response strategies that are grounded in the experiences of the unhoused/unstably housed.

How do we fulfill our vision?


We provide a safe space for people with lived experience of homelessness to share their stories. We honor the honesty and integrity of this sacred space.


We help connect each other with resources. We emphasize and truly listen. We fundraise to help make advocacy events more accessible for people with lived experience.


We rally to create immediate action when needed. We help each other strengthen our advocacy networks. We work together to bring our voices and the voices of our communities to the tables of power.


We organize guest speakers to come to meetings to provide education on topics related to homelessness and housing advocacy. We created and maintain an educational resource drive to better equip lived experience advocates in their efforts.

If you believe in our vision and want to support our work, we encourage you to donate. Propel Nonprofits is the 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for LEAN.

Organization Data


Organization name

Lived Experience Advocacy Network (LEAN)

other names



Education Community Volunteer

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving



LGBTQ+ Serving

LGBTQ+ Serving


1, SE Main St Suite 600
Minneapolis, MN 55414