Little Voyageurs Montessori School Inc

A nonprofit organization

22 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

Give young children an opportunity to develop independence, life skills, and a foundation in reading, math, geography, science and music.

Our goal is to discover the child given us and to help that child begin his/her journey of self-discovery and inner discipline. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A child's face lights up "I did it!" 

A new young boy continually throws himself down and cries. After talking with the parents about behaviors and parental responses to the behavior at home, a plan was developed. Within a very short time the behavior diminished.

A mom and her son visited after hearing good things about the school. The boy ran from his mom and didn't listen. The boy enrolled and a plan was put in place. The mother followed it and the staff worked with the boy teaching boundaries and patience. The mom could not believe the quick change in her son. She stated that she had spent an afternoon in the mall with her son. He stayed by her and listened. Her friends asked her how she got her son to listen to her. She proudly stated "I told them - you need to set boundaries!"

An elderly man was watching a child build a tower with small blocks. The child said "Why don't you build one?" The man replied "My hand is too shaky." The child responded "Build a shaky one."


Little Voyageurs' Montessori School (LVMS), founded 1968, is one of the oldest Montessori Schools in the Twin Cities area providing an early childhood and kindergarten educational program.  LVMS is NAEYC-accredited (National Association for the Education of Young Children) and has received 4 out of 4 stars from Parent Aware.  From the beginning the school's mission has been to nurture the development of each child's unique potential.  Little Voyageurs' staff works individually with each child developing independence, social and life skills, and laying a strong foundation in reading, language development, mathematics, geography, science, & music. They work with school districts, other resources, and incorporate staff training to meet needs of children. The classroom is designed to stimulate natural curiosity following a child's interest while fostering both social and academic skills. Young children easily absorb their surroundings and by participating in our well-prepared environment, they learn through both indirect and direct presentations. The children are mixed-aged; the older children mentor the younger children strengthening their skills by sharing their knowledge with the younger children. The younger children receive indirect learning by observing the older children engaged in their work.

Little Voyageurs is unique in that they offer a morning or an afternoon Montessori class option. This allows parents that work later in the day to spend time with their children in the morning and attend the afternoon Montessori class. (Kindergarten children attend both classes.) Parents have an all-day option with flexible extended day hours, and only pay for the extended day hours their children use. Little Voyageurs is open year-around incorporating outside activities such as gardening, water play, hikes, and observing life cycles in addition to the traditional Montessori curriculum.

Little Voyageurs serves a very diverse population. Families are from a variety of cultural, ethnic, racial, economic, family styles, and religious backgrounds. Little Voyageurs strives to be accessible to all families. Financial aid programs are available for children that may not otherwise be able to attend a Montessori school. The benefits to both the children and the families are great! Fundraisers, donations, and grants provide financial aid, and children with early learning scholarships and county assistance are accepted. Free or reduced lunches are available through the federal Child & Adult Care Food Program. 39% of our families receive financial aid or assistance. Parent educational evenings are offered and family social events are planned throughout the year. Families march in the community parade and host an annual community fundraiser dinner. Little Voyageurs welcomes interns and observers from the Montessori Training Center and early childhood teacher training programs.

Organization Data


Organization name

Little Voyageurs Montessori School Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Education,  Children & Family


825 51st Ave NE
Columbia Heights, MN 55421



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