Leg Up Fund

A nonprofit organization

100% complete

$0 Goal

Founded in 2014, the Leg Up Fund is a 501(c)3 providing  emergency transitional financial assistance to jockeys who have sustained on-track injuries, in the performance of their profession, at Canterbury Park. 

Many jockeys face financial hardship during their rehabilitation from injuries sustained on the track. The needs of our injured jockeys can be substantial. The day to day living and family support expenses pose financial challenges to these individuals who courageously test their physical limits every day. 

The Leg up Fund will be flexible in the support it provides, taking into account the level of each individual jockey’s injury and needs. Support may come in the form of a onetime grant, or an extended period of weekly or monthly supplemental support, for up to one year. 

The Fund strives to reach out to everyone in the Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse racing industry, their business partners and the great fans of this sport for their ongoing support. Our long-term goal is to create a legacy that will enable the fund to sufficiently assist every jockey injured at Canterbury Park in the years ahead. Reaching that goal requires the continuous support of all who participate in, and are connected to, the sport of horse racing. 

The Leg Up Fund is committed to raising awareness of the importance of supporting Canterbury Park’s injured jockeys and providing opportunities for participants and supporters of the racing industry to contribute to the fund. No matter what your level of participation in horse racing, it is our sincere hope that you will take that participation one step further with your financial assistance to this much needed, worthy cause. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Leg Up Fund

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid
