Korean Quarterly

A nonprofit organization

$9,805 raised by 46 donors

65% complete

$15,000 Goal

Building a historical record of the Korean American community:

KQ premieres the first segment of its digital archive 

The Korean Quarterly Digital Archive, that will feature all 98 quarterly issues (published from 1997 to 2022) is now in production.  

The first segment of the archive (2005 to 2022) is now online available for reading and downloading, with a broader search capacity to be complete soon.  It will be a user-friendly archive for all readers and researchers.  Also, later in 2024, all the issues, back to the first issue published in 1997, will be online. 

With a significant grant from the Thomas and Wonsook Foundation, KQ has begun building the digital archive structure ~ however, we are still a little over $5,000 short of our total fundraising goal.  With your help, we can fully fund this project! 

The archive will allow easy access for casual readers, scholars and researchers to access that “first rough draft” as seen through the KQ lens.   The digital archive will allow readers to dig deeper with ease, whether you are perusing recipes or researching the National Security Law in South Korea.   

Korean Quarterly is a home-grown Minnesota non-profit media organization created by a diverse group of Korean Americans, adopted Koreans and allies who cofounded this unique newspaper in 1997.  

Korean Quarterly is made by a village of volunteer contributors, from seasoned Korea-watchers, photographers, and artists, to beginning writers who believe they have something to say. 

News, commentary and criticism that’s informed and knowledgeable

Korean Quarterly is continuing to produce accounts of current news, in-depth features, informed opinion writing (and some fun stuff) on our online edition (www.koreanquarterly.org)  

Support this relevant community journalism project, not only on Give to the Max Day ~ but also through a tax-deductible gift at any time here or on our website.    

Please help spread the word by forwarding this message and fundraising link, on your social media accounts, not only to help KQ achieve its fundraising goal, but also to share the great work this non-profit/volunteer organization is doing.  

Thank you for considering Korean Quarterly as part of your donation plans.

You can also support KQ by visiting the KQ "store" (www.koreanquarterly.org/shop/) and stock up on all your KQ, Kimchigirl and Space Bunny merch...!    

Organization Data


Organization name

Korean Quarterly

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture Education

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving


PO Box 6789
St Paul, MN 55106



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