Organization name
Kenya Childrens Fund Inc
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 4159Hopkins, MN 55343
Kinyago-Dandora Schools (KDS) was started in the fall of 1987 by John and Babby Schwarz of Kenya Children’s Fund (KCF) after a visit to the slum villages of Kinyago-Dandora. Feeling overwhelmed by the suffocating poverty, they decided to begin a program that would provide education and nutrition for children living in this impoverished community. The Schwarzes and the village elders first opened the doors of Kinyago-Dandora School in 1988 offering preschool and nutrition programs. The early success of these programs led to solid growth and the expansion of the school to meet the needs of an ever increasing population of street kids.
The current President/CEO, Ginger Palm, has carried the mission to change the futures of these children by expanding the Primary School's outreach, and later adding a Secondary School to the program. Under her leadership, KDS has over 53 students in universities and other post secondary schools throughout Kenya.
KDS has more than 800 students enrolled in pre-school, primary and secondary school classes and many more students preparing for post secondary schools. We also serve the community of Kinyago-Dandora through health care (AIDS awareness, family planning, etc.) and spiritual health programs.
Academically, KDS is one of the top schools in its district and our students often win local music and sports competitions. KDS was declared the “Best Overall Community School” out of 35 schools in their school district. Kenya Children's Fund is mobilizing a new generation of leaders who will reach back and change even more lives...forever.
Organization name
Kenya Childrens Fund Inc
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 4159