Organization name
Metro Education & Outreach Services
Tax id (EIN)
245 N. Ruth Street Suite 210St. Paul, MN 55129
MEOS is reaching out to individuals/families who are living in poverty and above the poverty level with emergency food assistance.
Poverty and hunger in America often go hand in hand, but poverty is not the ultimate determinant of food insecurity. People living above the poverty line are often at risk of hunger as well. Research demonstrates that unemployment, rather than poverty, is a better predictor of food insecurity among people living in the United States.
US Statistics on Poverty
The most recent government statistics on poverty collected show that in 2015
• 43.1 million people (13.5 percent) were in poverty, including 14.5 million (20 percent) children under the age of 18.
• 42.2 million Americans lived in food-insecure households, including more than 13 million children.
Organization name
Metro Education & Outreach Services
Tax id (EIN)
245 N. Ruth Street Suite 210