Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy PTA

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal

Support our students and teachers at Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy!

Ni men hao!  

The Jie Ming community continues to grow and thrive. The 2023-24 school year was full of milestones for our school, including the first kindergarten class at Jie Ming graduating from high school! Jie Ming alumni are now excelling and thriving at universities around the country and even around the world, and we look forward to hearing about all of their continued successes and accomplishments in the years to come.

The Jie Ming PTA exists to support all of our students and teachers in continuing the tradition of excellence that was established by that first kindergarten class in 2011. If it makes sense for your family, please consider making a financial donation to ensure our students and teachers have the resources they need to ensure ongoing success. Every dollar you donate through Give to the Max goes directly to the Jie Ming PTA and enhancing the amazing STEM-focused immersion learning experience that Jie Ming provides.

Your support helps to fund a number of programs and events at Jie Ming, including:

  • Annual Chinese New Year performance that ALL students can participate in
  • A $300 grant for each of our amazing classroom teachers to purchase classroom or special project supplies
  • STEM learning: STEM backpack program and Lego League


Give to the Max Day is about dollars (100% tax deductible) and we appreciate every one of them. At the same time, we recognize that your support also takes the form of words and gestures too meaningful and numerous to measure. Thank you for all you do for our school.


Jie Ming is a K-5 St. Paul Public School offering a Mandarin immersion education. In the thirteen years since its founding, it has been recognized for academic excellence alongside the nurture of compassionate and engaged global citizens. Jie Ming also provides a STEM-focused education exposing students to the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Our school's unique curriculum, dedicated educators, and diverse community combine to create a joyful and invigorating environment for all students.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy PTA

Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family


1845 Sheridan Av.e