Jack's Caregiver Coalition

A nonprofit organization

$35,050 raised by 113 donors

100% complete

$35,000 Goal

This year 100% of the funds raised goes to help support our Klatches. Jack’s Klatches are not your ordinary caregiver support group. Twice each month we gather at the Urban Growler in St. Paul to share laughter, tears, IPAs, and nachos. Please consider making a gift today. 

More About Jack's Caregiver Coalition: 

Our mission: Improve the way guys think, feel and act through every phase of their caregiving journey.   

Why is our mission important? Our “hero fixes it alone” cultural context leads too many guy caregivers into a trap of unsustainable isolation. 

What Jack’s Offers: We’re a non-profit hospitality company with no paywall for our services. Our programs are all designed to connect caregivers with others who have successfully navigated the exact same terrain.  

How We’re Different: Nearly half of all caregivers are men which is why we’re surprised we’re the first and only caregiver support community focused on men. We support active caregivers as well as those who’ve lost their loved one. Unlike many of our peers we aren’t made up of counselors, therapists, and social workers.  

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Organization Data


Organization name

Jack's Caregiver Coalition

Tax id (EIN)



Education Health Community


817 5th Ave. S Unit 400
Minneapolis, MN 55404


612 547 6929

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